jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013


5. Read the text and answer the questions.

Marvin was born in Scotland on 281h frebruary, 1980. He is  lives in Manchester now. He  started playing the guitar when he was seven years old. When he was nine, he played the guitar in school show. Marvin travels  twice a montuain brintain. He doest'n like travelling to other contruies.


Marvin nació en Escocia el 28 de febrero de, 1980. Él ahora vive en Manchester. Empezó a tocar la guitarra cuando tenía siete años de edad. Cuando tenía nueve años, tocaba la guitarra en la escuela muestran. Marvin viaja dos veces al Gran betraña . Él viaja a otros países.


Where was the born? In the Scotland.
Where does he live?  In Manchester.
When did playing? The 9 yeards.
 When was his first td?
How often does he travel?
Does he like travelling?

Are you going at singing? No
Who is your   favorite singer ? Rihanna.
Do you watch to music shows TV? Yes

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